Any and all material located on or in SIRENE'S BEAUTY PLACE is the exclusive property of SIRENE'S BEAUTY PLACE Yanina Lopez, being used with permission, and/or is correctly sourced or given credit to. ANY COPYING, DISTRIBUTING, TRANSMITTING, OR OTHERWISE MODIFYING OF THIS SITE OR ANY OF THE MICROSITES WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SIRENE LASH IS PROHIBITED. Any violation of this requirement may result in a copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right infringement that may subject you to civil and/or criminal penalties. All rights reserved.
Unless otherwise specified; All photos and content disclosed on SIRENE'S BEAUTY PLACE are owned/purchased by Yanina Lopez. If you chose to use content from this website, credit must be given where the content is published. Content in SIRENE'S BEAUTY PLACE wrongfully used may result in a copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right infringement that may subject you to civil and/or criminal penalties.